
The heart is in the right place, and the vegetation is in the right place. We want to give them big kudos and awards. Over the past year, the King’s Learner Community, with its heart in the right place, has made many achievements through struggles and thorns. All this, all because behind the flash of their figures ...... Who are they? They are the lovely parents, community members and children of King’s.

They teach their children by word and example, so that they gradually become IB learners who have the courage to try, and know how to care and be humble.

They practice advanced education concepts and come face to face with their children's lives. With abundance of support, they enter the real classroom.

They pour their love and energy into children and education itself, interacting positively with Jin Sheng to reach educational consensus.

They participate in kindergarten management, share methods and ideas, and work together to build an ideal country of education.

With their unique influence, they add incomparably magnificent colors to the learning and teaching of King’s learner community.

They open up multi-dimensional possibilities for King’s education, allowing children to connect deeply with society.

Honorable and lovely, they actively play their own initiative to make King’s better and better.

As the protagonists of the King’s Learner Community, they actively take the lead in the process of growth and give their all to help build the world of tomorrow.

True to themselves and full of enthusiasm, they soar in the vast space of growth with curiosity and bravery as their wings.

The King's Learner Community focuses on early childhood development, gathers together and shares selflessly. May our hearts remain unchanged, and may we always love them. Applause for all of you!



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